Rikimaru - Cable internet Provider


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Saturday, August 8, 2015


I made this guide base on my perspective on how to play rikimaru, there are alot of players out there that doesn't know how to bring out the full potential of the hero based on how they play. basically rikimaru is powerful as PA or any carry in the game. the skill backstab is underrated, and players prefer to level invisibility rather than this skill, actually backstab will lead to early kills rather than being a moving ward on your lane, this is what i hate about other players using rikimaru, bec. most of the time they are useless on the lane. This gives you more chances on last hits when creeps clash within your tower so basically you need to block creep waves so that its always within your tower, you get to have last hits and more exp than just moving around while the other team is last hitting your creeps. which ever lane is fine, but i havent tried playing mid yet i dont want to argue with mid laners giving the spot, but once u get lvl 6 your fine you can definitely kill heroes, if you are laned with a good support you can kill much earlier than expected, backstab has its own crit, it doesnt show but you can see it once your enemy turns its back on you your like doubling your damage,now most guides with riki will show you MOM as a core item, let me ask you a question why do you build up MOM for riki? for attack speed and life steal, yeah thats good but whenever you use MOM you become too soft and trying to kill someone with unexpected reinforcement and sentry wards you will definitely die right away even before finding out that there's a sentry or a reinforcement on your victim. now taking all of those things in consideration i focused on survivability first, rather than buying MOM i'll buy an ulti orb for 10 to all stats, now playing safe is the key, definitely the mid laner will be ahead in level and stats if you didnt lane mid so once you have invi try to gank mid so your mid laner can farm and level much faster, how, if you try to gank mid then opponents mid laner will think twice crossing the river, forcing him to buy sentry or ask for support,reducing exp gained and gold for sentry wards, but i dont do that, i prefer roaming around once i got level 6. why bec. moving to another lane will reduce exp gain,and getting level 6 is your prio, eventually you will gain gold and you can start farming for items once your level 6, remember riki is a hero killer so you shouldnt farm neuts but farm heroes that roam basically supports,you will catch these guys putting wards or dewarding. 1 key to remember in farming heroes pick the support first bec they are much easier to kill,once you have your first ulti orb you have the advantage when it comes to stats bec basically everyone else building for damage, survivability items, remember items like shadowblade only gives them damage for broadsword, now these heroes that build up these items are my first target, i just need to buy dust and boom once i initiate on them they are dead before they realize that they made a mistake on building up shadowblade, now if your level is the same and he has shadowblade thats only 22 dmg and 30 attck spd and it cost him 2800, 2 wraith bands powerthreads orb of venom poormans shield and a dust can kill them already, so he wasted gold on that and once you get a few kills you can get ulti orb now your 10 stats ahead of everyone, now you might be thinking where is the attck speed on that, doesnt matter bec you can stay longer on clash even if they use dust on you it will take time for them to kill you especially when your in a clash your too small to be targeted so make sure when its clash dont just stick on 1 hero if they initiated on a hero that is tough you should pick the heroes behind the clash so positioning is a prio when clashing, now there are times that your teammate is ****ing gay you need to initiate first you can do that just make sure to initiate on ranged heroes then use smoke as soon as your inside now it comes to your teammates if they will back you up or ***** out of the clash,remember that even though they can use skill on you melee heroes wont be able to attack you inside smoke screen, only range heroes so pick wisely on whom to initiate on to if i see a lion on a clash that would be my prio, why i'll take away their stun, vodoo, finger of death once smoked, if someone disables me i hope thats enough time to let my teammates to come in having 2 disablers disabled,lion being smoked and other disable used on me,now you might think if they dont push through with the clash you still have blink strike,by now your done with skadi, why skadi?when i see this question from a teammate i just laugh and say you definitely know nothing, skadi bec it makes you tougher,it gives you +25 str/dex/int +250 hp/mana and it complements your skill backstab and smoke screen, it slows 35% mvspd 45 asp duration 5 for melee and 2.5 for ranged,and the delay on turning around inside smoke screen gives you more backstab hits,now if your opponent decides to not turn its back on you your slowing his attckspd down even though he has lifesteal he will be forced to run away, and dont forget about your last skill if the opponent decides not to turn its back on you you can use blink strike.

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